BA242 - Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Finance
BA272 - Bachelor of Business in Finance (Honours)

The first year provides a foundation in finance related disciplines necessary for the understanding of the finance subjects studied in the second and final year. In the second year, students will focus their studies more explicitly on Finance courses and major areas, developing and deepening their understanding of the subjects from which they choose to specialize. In year three, students will be exposed to courses such as Managerial Economics, Investment Analysis, Personal Development and to take one foreign language. Finally student are to partake courses consist of Portfolio Management and Application, Personal Finance, Issues in Finance and Financial Statement Analysis.
Graduates of this programme will have the opportunity to work at finance oriented organisations, such as financial institutions, consulting firms, hotels and tourism industries and manufacturing firms.
Program Overview
- Banking Operations
- Personal Financial Planning
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Corporate Finance
- Monetary Economics
- International Financial Management
- Investment Analysis
- Islamic Finance
- Futures and Options
- Co-curriculum I
- Third Language I
- Falsafah Dan Isu Semasa
- Intermediate Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Business Law
- Principles and Practice of Management
- Principles and Practice of Marketing
- End User Application
- Co-curriculum II
- Third Language Ii
- English for Critical Academic Reading
- Economics
- Introduction to Corporate Finance
- Introduction to Operations Management
- Human Resource Management
- Financial Market and Banking Services
- Co-curriculum III
- Third Language III
- Personal Financial Planning
- Monetary Policy and Theory
- Business Analytics and Financial Modelling
- Advanced Corporate Finance
- International Financial Management
- Elective 1
- Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban II
- English for Oral Presentations
- Principles of Entrepreneurship
- Islamic Finance
- Investment and Portfolio Analysis
- Introduction to Technical Analysis
- Elective 2: Choose 1
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Entrepreneurship
- Digital Workforce
- Elective 3
- English Exit Test
- Strategic Management
- Quantitative Research Methods
- Futures and Options
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Issues and Ethics in Finance
- Elective 4
- Industrial Training
- Banking & Finance
- Investment
- Fund Management
- Accounting
- Financial Planning
- Research & Consultancy
Course Coordinator:
Department of Economics and Financial Studies
+603-3258 7016