To establish UiTM as a Globally Renowned University of Science, Technology, Humanities and Entrepreneurship
To lead the development of agile, professional bumiputeras through state-of-the-art curricula and impactful research.

- Students
- Academics and Staff
- Parents
- Industry, and
- Stakeholders
- All the basic needs for learning, teaching and research, as well as the surrounding environment fulfill the requirements of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency, the Ministry of Education and professional bodies;
- All academic programmes are approved, managed and administered in accordance with the university’s rules and procedures;
- All academic qualifications are recognised by the government, and fulfil the needs of the industry and the relevant professional bodies;
- The conferment of degrees is carried out within the stipulated period after fulfilling all the necessary requirements;
- Excellence in academic achievements is identified and duly awarded each year;
- All proposals and official reports are acted on within a period of one week;
- Be accessible at all times to provide to the community; and
- Provide professional and customer-friendly services.
- UiTM will provide services in accordance with the client charter as practised by the respective entities, namely, the faculties, branch campuses, divisions, institutes, centres and units.
- Understand the rights of clients under the charter;
- Observe all relevant regulations, directives, rules and guidelines;
- Utilise all available facilities in a responsible manner.