BA245 - Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Retail Management
BA275 - Bachelor of Business in Retail Management (Honours)

Modern retailers require advanced skills and knowledge to make strategic decisions. The Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Retail Management offered by the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM, is a three-year programme encompasses a broad set of retailing subjects to prepare interested students to become successful employees in a retail company or owners of a retail business.
Students enrolled into the programme are provided with a conducive learning environment in which they are expected to work in groups, conduct workshops, plan for field trips, meet current retailers and operate BIZMART – a retail simulation store cum training centre specially designed for this programme.
To cap off their learning experience, students are required to display their final works in visual merchandising at selected shopping complexes and undergo retail practicum at leading international retail outlets like Metrojaya, Tesco, Jusco, Parkson, Habib Jewel and Carrefour in the final year. Challenging and exciting positions such as merchandisers, procurement executives, store executives and supply chain executives await enterprising graduates.
Program Overview
This program covers
- Concepts & Practice of Retailing
- Understanding Shoppers
- Supply Chain Management
- Retail Merchandising
- Retail Operations & Technology
- Retail Financial Decision Making
- Retail Entrepreneurship
- Current Issues in Retailing
- Visual Merchandising
- Customer Relation Management
Program Content
Year 1
Semester 1
- Co-curriculum I
- Third Language I
- Falsafah Dan Isu Semasa
- Immediate Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Business Law
- End User Applications
- Principles and Practice of Marketing
- Principles and Practices of Management
Semester 2
- Co-curriculum II
- Third Language II
- English for Critical Academic Reading
- Economics
- Financial Management
- Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Introduction to Operations Management
- Concepts and Practice of Retailing
Year 2
Semester 3
- Co-curriculum III
- Third Language III
- English for Oral Presentations
- Personal Financial Planning
- Retail Merchandising
- Understanding Shoppers
- Retailing and Customer Service Practices
- Elective 1
Semester 4
- Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban II
- Economics for Business and Management
- Business Analytics
- Retail Operations and Technology
- Supply Chain Management
- Retail Financial Decision Making
- Elective 2: Choose 1
- Digital Workforce
- Digital Entrepreneurship
- Digital Marketing
Year 3
Semester 5
- English Exit Test
- Strategic Management
- Research Methods
- Entrepreneurship in Retailing
- Visual Merchandising
- Elective 3
- Elective 4
Semester 6
Career Prospect
Executive and middle level management positions in industries related to
- Merchandising
- Procurement
- Marketing & Sales
- Logistics & Supply Chain
- Retail Design
- Research & Consultancy
Program Availability
This program is offered at UiTM Selangor
Course Coordinator:
Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing Studies
+603-3258 7021