FBMALumni Talks Kuasai Potensi Diri, Cipta Rekod Sendiri

The first instalment of FBMALumni Talks series will be held on 5 December 2016 at DK100 FPP1, Faculty of Business and Management, UiTM Puncak Alam. Our own alumni, graduated in 2013 from Bachelor of Health Administration, Mohd Syukri Basri, will deliver a motivational talk entitled, Kuasai Potensi Diri, Cipta Rekod Sendiri.  

Focusing on the perspectives of education and career development, Mohd Syukri have conducted more than 50 motivational programs in schools and universities. He is currently at service to Department of Statistics Malaysia and also the Ikon Remaja Sarawak in 2015.

Contact Us

Borang Maklumbalas Pelanggan

Faculty of Business and Management
42300 UiTM Cawangan Selangor
Selangor Darul Ehsan

adminfpp@uitm.edu.my (Administration)
heafpp@uitm.edu.my (Academic)
hepfpp@uitm.edu.my (Student Affairs) 

+603-3258 7045 (Administration)
+603-3258 7042 (Academic)
+603-3258 5028 (Student Affairs)